Claremont Young Musicians Orchestra

Claremont Young Musicians Orchestra, otherwise known as CYMO, is an orchestra with its origin in Claremont, California. It comprises 90+ young musicians ages 12 and up. It includes all the classic string instruments, most of the wind instruments, and many percussion instruments. It was created and started by Mr. and Mrs. Samuel of Claremont. Mrs. Samuel is usually in charge of helping the members. Mr. Samuel, the conductor, is very well liked and respected by the members of both orchestras. One of CYMO's most noted concerts was on May 15, 2005, when CYMO played at the Walt Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles to an almost completely filled hall.


The orchestra rehearses on most Monday nights during the school year at Claremont High School. This year, however, the rehearsals have been moved to Sunday nights after the Intermezzo Orchestra rehearsals. They present 2 concerts annually at Bridges Hall of Music, commonly known as "Little Bridges," on the campus of Pomona College. In addition, they have an annual Children's Concert in the same location. They often perform concerts in other locations as well. They have played in Gardiner Spring Auditorium in Ontario, CA, the Hollywood Bowl, and Disney Hall, as mentioned above, among other places. They have gone on four concert tours, three to Europe in 1997, 2000, and 2007, and one to Florida in 2002 for the National Youth Orchestra Festival.

An important annual tradition is the Weekend Retreat. Every year, close to the beginning of Spring, the orchestra goes to a camp (usually Pilgrim Pines Camp in Yucaipa) in the mountains for three days. Numerous rehearsals and other musical activities are held, among other things. It is generally agreed to be an enjoyable experience by many members.

There is an annual concerto competition, the winner/s of which perform with the orchestra in the final concert of the season at Bridges Hall of Music.

The repertoire is primarily classical. CYMO has played numerous symphonies, concertos, and other pieces. In their January 2007 concert, for example, they played La Gazza Ladra Overture by Rossini, Night on Bald Mountain by Modeste Mussorgsky, Weber's Clarinet Concerto No. 2, and Dvořák's New World Symphony. In the last concert of the previous season, they performed Roman Carnival Overture by Berlioz, The Moldau by Bedrich Smetana, a movement of Beethoven's Piano Concerto No. 2, a movement of Wieniawsky's Violin Concerto #2, and Tchaikovsky's Symphony No. 4.


Members are chosen by audition before each season. They are expected to attend all rehearsals if possible and show up to them on time, which almost everyone does. Practicing music at home is also expected. Each member receives a folder for music and a sweatshirt. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel also manage the Intermezzo Orchestra, a smaller full orchestra that comprises an age group younger on average than the CYMO. The majority of the members of CYMO are former Intermezzo members, but some simply audition for the big orchestra their first year and are accepted. Intermezzo also present concerts at Bridges Hall of Music, rehearses at Claremont High School, and attends the Weekend Retreat. Some say that this orchestra is the best of its class in all of California, if not all of the United States.

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